Wick Welker
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Each judging team in the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC) decides its own method for getting from their initial scout pile of novels to the ones that advance to the next stage. Ground Control to Major Tom had two to four judges read each of our 32 books in full, giving some of them a Strong Yes or Yes vote to recommend. With eight books getting at least one Strong Yes vote and another 10 getting a Yes, there was an extremely close competition to become the six novels to ... (
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You might wonder about the quality of novels submitted to a self-published competition open to the public. Are they a slush pile of unpolished prose where a story that's well-written and compelling is the exception, or do enough good books get entered in the contest that it makes choosing the best of them genuinely difficult? The ScienceFiction.news team of judges in the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition sampled 27 books in our allocation during the first round and had to pick the ... (
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